The Doctrine of Last Things — 2012 - Samuel Waldron
The Doctrine of Last Things
(Academy Lectures — 2012)
Samuel Waldron
In this 2012 rendition of the course, Doctor Waldron compressed – and even eliminated – certain sections because of time contraints. The messages below withred numbershave been inserted from other years to help fill in these sections. The audio may sound a bit different because they are coming from older recordings.
Additional Audio:
It may be of interest to some – after having heard this 2012 presentation – to listen to the older classes, since (for example) some sections that are covered inthreemessages here are covered in fivemessages there. Many of these lectures were also opened up for questions, which of course are unique to the particular group present. The legacy messages also include a series called “Peter's Eschatology,” in which the material that is presented below in lectures "6" & "6b" is expanded out to five full conference sermons. Links to these other classes are given below.