Have you been blessed by a particular message/series? Commend them to other visitors to Sovereign Grace Audio Treasures so that they will be encouraged to listen and receive a blessing as well.
"I would like to thank you all for providing such a rich well of biblical teaching, specifically, the lectures by Albert N. Martin entitled Pastoral Theology Lectures. Kevin Belcher - Pastor in Princeton, WV.
"Thank you for making this series available. It's been a tremendous blessing. Elizabeth.
"A sister recently shared the 14-part series on Forgiveness by pastor Albert Martin.
And for the first time I understood biblical forgiveness. My life has been impacted because I am one of those people that he talks about, destroyed emotionally for the lack of biblical understanding.
By God's sovereign grace I understand now. Im sharing the audios with people in my church." Roxana from Fort Saskatchewan Baptists fellowship Canada.
"I am unusually glad to get an email from you. I have been listening to Pastor Mark Chanski's series on Hermeneutics. I have been on the lookout for material which covers from basics to advanced hermeneutics - which we want to teach to the younger men at church. These lectures are a good source to tap. For several years now I, my wife and various friends and members of our church have profited immensely from your ministry. I think your websites are very well-made, simple and clear, with a warm consideration to hold a particularly limited amount of material for the time a believer realistically has to listen. I believe that you've been blessed to have your desire to have good quality of materials. The SEARCH and RELATED teachings are working very well to unearth the files in the site. To me it's a testament to treasures hidden in jars of clay. We have been getting a lot of biblical insight especially from Pastor Albert Martin and by now I must have gleaned from more than 500 hours from various downloads from Sovereign Grace Audio Treasures. Plenty of meat from his teachings. Some of these have helped us in our church to reform our ways, [to] strengthen weakened knees and temper everything by love as the Lord has empowered. May they bear fruit in our lives for many years to come. We thank the Lord and we can't help thanking you as well. May the Lord add His manifold blessings to your ministry of His Word." Ronnell from Quezon City, Philippines.
"Every blessing upon this most useful work!" Maurice from U.K.
"You have been an asset to my Christian walk. As a matter of fact, Eternal Life Ministires is my web page. My wife and I listen to a sermon daily, except Sunday when we are at Church. May God continue to bless your ministry." Peter from Louisiana
I found this sermon on Hebrews 11:23 to be of peculiar encouragement. 'Royal Priest' from United States.
"I just wanted to say thank you for keeping all the songs up online. We recently joined a wonderful church which uses the Trinity Hymnal and we are having such a difficult time learning all of these songs. However, your website is a big help and a blessing. Thank you." Sandra from California.
"I must tell you that all of the resources sent by Eternal Life Ministries have been so rich and blessed, have served to encourage, convict and comfort me, and have been instruments of my growth. But one of them, in particular, has been such a buoying source of encouragement that I have resorted to it over and over and over again. The resource I refer to is the sermon by Albert N. Martin entitled "Ballast for the Soul in the New Year." In it, you probably recall, he teaches the truths of God's sovereignty in even the things that appear "dripping with evil", as he put it. As you perhaps remember, there were two parts to the series, but the first part is the one that I have most consistently drawn upon for encouragement. I have listened and re-listened to that sermon in times of great perplexity and trial and have made copies of it for others because it is such a magnificent treatment of God's sovereignty and what that means for us as believers. I had not known Albert N. Martin until I was introduced to him by your ministry's generosity. I have so grown to trust and appreciate that great pastor as a consequence of the gifts I have received from Eternal Life Ministries. I can't adequately express my appreciation for the tremendous help you and those at ELM have been to me over the years by introducing me to the likes of Albert Martin, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Boston, etc." Vicki from California.
"I found this site while browsing for Reformed Sermons other than the ones found on sermonaudio. I am glad the Lord led me to this site and this sermon by Pastor Greg Nichols is very powerful as it is deep.I shall visit this site often to hear his other sermons as well. He truly preaches with a great passion for the Lord. May the Lord bless him and his ministry." Mike from India.
"I found this site while browsing for Reformed Sermons other than the ones found on sermonaudio. I am glad the Lord led me to this site and this sermon by Pastor Greg Nichols is very powerful as it is deep.I shall visit this site often to hear his other sermons as well. He truly preaches with a great passion for the Lord. May the Lord bless him and his ministry." Linda from Texas.
"I just came across your website after an internet search for one of Ted Donnelly's messages, and I was absolutely thrilled to find all these "treasures" indeed. Thank you SO MUCH for putting these online. As a fairly new minister, these messages have taught me how to preach and also encouraged me in the ministry more than anything else. Ted Donnelly in particular has been of great help to teach me how to preach a Biblical exposition. I'll look forward to listening to many messages in the coming months. Thanks again, and may God bless you!" Dave from Virginia.
"Albert Martin exposits the Scriptures so clearly and un varnished. I am always inspired and fed spiritually by his teachings." Jim from Colorado.
"Thank you for keeping this invaluable treasure of sound Biblical preaching; I had the opportunity to meet pastor Albert Martin when he went to the ordination ceremony of the elders of Iglesia Biblica del Seρor Jesucristo in Santo Domingo in the mid 90's, and, since that time his sermons have been a great help in my spiritual life." Manuel.
"You have outstanding messages that will greatly bless and edify believers and non-believers in South Africa and neighboring countries." Joshua.
"I just came across your website after an internet search for one of Ted Donnelly's messages, and I was absolutely thrilled to find all these "treasures" indeed. Thank you SO MUCH for putting these online. As a fairly new minister, these messages have taught me how to preach and also encouraged me in the ministry more than anything else. Ted Donnelly in particular has been of great help to teach me how to preach a Biblical exposition. I'll look forward to listening to many messages in the coming months. Thanks again, and may God bless you!" Justin.
"I am very much thankful for your efforts to put those sermons and other materials online. I used the sermons greatly, especially Pastor Martin's. I have 2 other friends with me studying the Here We Stand series on Sanctification." Carlo.
"There is not another minister alive that touches the depths of my soul with the exposition of the Scriptures than Albert Martin!" Jim from Colorado.
"Your sermons and audio messages have strengthened my faith and opened my understanding of the Sovereignty of God. The True message of God's eternal Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for unveiling [the] deception which has captured the minds and hearts of so many. I, too, was one of these lost and floundering souls. The Lord so graciously put me in a Sovereign Grace Church which led me to your website. Now I have a burden for those still ensared!" Jill from Oklahoma.
"Your site is great and I am using it very much to download and listen to sermons for my study. Keep it up." Aldo from California.
"I have enjoyed the different sermons presented on this site. I believe it to be some of the most sound, biblical preaching, that God has ever blessed me to hear. Thanks!" Steven from Texas.
"I give thanks to the Lord and to you for doing this. My wife and I are thankful to God for Pastor Martin. We bought his premartial counseling tape series and God used them to prepare us. We have passed them on to many new couples. This website is truly a blessing." John.
"An epic survey of the doctrines of the faith." Doug from the UK.
"I cannot express how wondefully this ministry has brought me through to a new personal revival. I am, literally speaking, eternally grateful and I intend to support you in every way I can. Being assured of my salvation through the sermons, audio and texts, having been so deeply encouraged, words fail me, so I can only say, thank-you from the core of my new heart. I am so glad that our heavenly father has left such a great cloud of witnesses and that He continues adding to their number so that all men shall be without excuse. God bless you" Stephen from Chiba, Japan.
"Having accepted the gospel and surrendered to the Lord Jesus in my teenage days, I still found this message timely and applicable to my Christian life. Thanks" Taiwo Ojelabi from Lagos, Nigeria.
Thank you so much for posting these messages online! I can't tell you what a blessing the ministry of Trinity Baptist Church has been to me, and how great it is to have so much of the tape library in mp3 format. In addition, thanks for posting the congregational singing. Not only does it help me learn the less familiar tunes in the Trinity Hymnal, but it also is edifying to listen to as I do other tasks. Thank you so much for this labor of love! Rob from Mississippi.
"You must hear this!"
"I was at Trinity in 1984-1985 while Pastor Martin was preaching through Mark. I will never forget this sermon. I relistened to it today and fought the tears twice, it is preached with such pathos. The second sermon I ever heard Martin preach in person was "A Divine Prohibition of the Sin of Murmuring." You must hear this as well!" Thomas from Michigan.
"My many thanks to you for this work. It is a great and beneficial work for the kingdom and for the honour of Christ. Pastor Martin has blessed and molded us as a family, under God" David from Johannesburg, South Africa.
[These] ... could not have come at a better time. I work in [Muslim country] and the authorities have eventually got around to blocking my access to SermonAudio via the internet but I have been able to hook on to the Eternal Life Ministries site and am downloading already as I write. Many thanks.
"Great Sermon!"
"Pastor Martin is a modern day Puritan in his hunting down of sin, thoroughness and specific application. This is another sermon that does not miss the mark. Powerful and convicting" Paul from Whiteabbey, Northern Ireland.
"Great Sermon!"
"THIS is THE message necessary for awakening the apostate church of today! The destructive seeds of the "carnal christian" heresy were sown a generation ago, and, because of that we see the church in its sad condition today. Pastor Martin addresses this most serious heresy. He is courageous, and I am sure he has been persecuted for calling this doctrine what it is, as I have been persecuted for saying the same. Scripture is clear - we either walk in the spirit or we walk in the flesh, not both. There are those who want to do away with 1 John 3 where we are called to walk in the spirit. The unredeemed want Grace, but they do not want Holiness. They hate that with a passion. Thank you Pastor Martin for contending for the TRUTH. There are two groups of people - period - the redeemed and the unredeemed. There is not a third class - the redeemed and carnal. This is HERESY." S. Smith.